Infini RF Microneedling

Infini RF Microneedling: Acne Treatment
Soften acne scars with Infini RF Microneedling
Reduce acne and acne scars, tighten skin and stimulate collagen production with Infini RF Microneedling. How would it feel to wake up every morning and know your skin looks gorgeous without any foundation or powder? What would it be like to have no evidence of acne scarring, fewer lines and wrinkles, and smaller pores?
Reduce acne
Soften acne scars
Shrink pores
Tighten skin
Infini RF MicroNeedling is a rejuvenating skin treatment that improves the appearance of the skin. Microneedling is an extremely popular treatment that stimulates collagen and elastic tissue remodeling. Skin becomes smoother, clearer, and tighter, as it heals itself from the tiny pricks of needles. An innovative procedure called “RF Microneedling” which combines traditional Microneedling with Radio Frequency (RF) energy, has become the latest anti-aging skin rejuvenation option.
RF Microneedling is beneficial for nearly all skin types. It is a minimally-invasive technique that is ideal for reducing the appearance of acne and acne scars, poor skin texture, sun damage, lines and creases, enlarged pores and stretch marks.
Infini RF Microneedling
Most patients will benefit most from 2-3 treatments, spaced about 3-4 weeks apart. Results may vary from patient to patient depending upon a variety of factors including the severity of the underlying condition being treated. RF Microneedling can be performed with significantly less discomfort, downtime and risk than other skin damage treatments.
What can I expect after the treatment?
Skin can be mildly red and slightly swollen for the first day or two following the treatment. There is little to no discomfort after the procedure. Most patients can return to regular activity on the day after the treatment. Since the procedure involves the creation of small microchannels in the skin, avoid wearing makeup for at least 3 days after for best practice.
How Does INFINIskin Work?
INFINIskin uses gold-plated microneedles to deliver energy directly into the dermis, protecting the top layer of skin and making this treatment safe for all skin types, evern tanned skin.
Do INFINIskin Treatments Hurt?
You will feel heat and some pressure during treatment. While most clients say the treatment is tolerable, be sure to let your treatment provider know if you’re uncomfortable so we can work to make it a pleasant experience for you.
How Long Are The Treatments?
Treatments can take anywhere from 15-60 minutes depending on your goals. Talk with your specialist to create a custom treatment plan.
Are There Any Side Effects?
You will experience some redness and swelling which can take up to a week to completely resolve. Typically clients return to normal activities within 48 hours.
How Many Treatments Are Required?
3 treatments–each one month apart–are recommended for most patients. Your INFINIskin specialist will determine a treatment schedule for you during your consultation.
How Soon Will I See Results?
You may start to see some changes as little as 24-48 hours after treatment. Your body will continue to rebuild collagen for several weeks after these regenerative medical techniques, and you’ll see changes continue over the next 6 months.
Its’s time to get gorgeous…